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Random Photo No. 3

14 Sep

I love when people decorate their cars. I saw this ocean-themed one today in the parking lot of a craft store – no surprise there!

Random Photo No. 2

17 Aug

One of my favorite things about the South is all the water!

This little lake behind our apartment complex is host to turtles, geese, ducks and fish. They make a beeline for the gazebo each time they see a person, hoping for a snack.

Random Photo No. 1

8 Aug

Yep, it is what it sounds like – a random photo.

Here’s the plan: I will post random photos with random frequency of random things I find in the South.

Why so random? I don’t want to feel obligated to post not-so-great photos just because it’s time for “Photo of the Month/Week/Day,” etc.

That’s about it. Here’s a daylily from outside our back door.

“Its botanical name, Hemerocallis, derives from two Greek words meaning ‘beauty’ and ‘day,’ referring to the fact that each flower lasts only one day.”

-The American Hemerocallis Society website